Technology Entrepreneurship

Si è svolta a luglio la 15esima edizione della International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems (ACACES 2019), organizzata da HiPEAC in collaborazione con TETRAMAX Innovation Action e Eurolab4HPC . Come per le edizioni precedenti, Reiss Romoli ha avuto un ruolo chiave nella organizzazione e gestione dell’evento.

Durante la Summer School i partecipanti seguono 4 corsi, scelti tra i 12 del programma, oltre a un Keynote Speach e a un Invited Talk.

A questa edizione hanno partecipato circa 220 ricercatori provenienti da molte delle università europee ed esperti del settore, con docenti provenienti da rinomate università americane e da industrie di punta del settore.

Il dott. Bart Clarysse è titolare della cattedra di Entrepreneurship al ETH Zürich dove insegna Technology Entrepreneurship, Lean Start-Up Methods and Technology Commercialization. Ha contribuito alla Summer School con un corso su:


Technology Entrepreneurship

This course gives you an insight into how technologies unfold into commercial activity. Blockchain, the internet of things (IoT), robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and so on offer commercial opportunities to found a new venture. However, the potential applications are less clear from a market point of view.

Hence, revenues are not the main focus of these ventures. Novel financing mechanisms such as initial coin offerings (ICOs) and crowdfunding have emerged which provide entrepreneurs with few resources to overcome the lack of revenues.

The challenge which the nascent entrepreneurs face is how to develop a narrative which convinces both financers and co-founders to get off the ground and how to capture the value of what is created.

In complement to these insights, we develop -in teams- practical business cases based upon your own potential business ideas. The focus of these business cases is upon the analysis of the timing of the customer need, the decision as to engage in traditional or novel forms of market research such as design research to test assumptions that are made behind these business ideas versus taking a more experimental route such as the lean startup approach or even engaging in the social mobilization of resources that fit grand societal challenges (e.g. the use of blockchain to install a national crypto-currency).

During these workshops are developed the skills to develop the story of your idea to convince the audience that needs to provide you with the resources to continue.


Bart Clarysse, ETH Zürich

Bart Clarysse holds the chair of entrepreneurship at ETH Zürich where he teaches technology entrepreneurship, lean start-up methods and technology commercialization. His research is focused on understanding how nascent industries such as nanotechnology, blockchain, mobile health, IoT unfold over time and which decisions technology entrepreneurs can make to optimize the value capture of their activities or to potentially disrupt existing industry settings. He is also a visiting professor at Imperial College London, where he teaches executive master’s in business administration (MBAs) and executive subjects on corporate entrepreneurship and innovation.

 Bart Clarysse
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