

Friday, 08 July 2016 14:40

Work with Us

If you read our history, you will have understood that we believe in the value of a training that focuses on people as valuable resources, and that we consider the abilities of each one crucial to the success of any organization, and also of our company.
Want to get in touch with us? Send your curriculum vitae to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Your CV will be inserted into our database and if we need people with your skills we'll call you for an interview.
Friday, 08 July 2016 14:37

About Us

We are a team of professionals who strongly believe that high quality training can be a successful company asset.

The knowledge and experience gained working at Scuola Superiore G. Reiss Romoli, (*), together with a long-established relation network established with universities, research centers and companies, allow us to approach the market with a solid background of contact with l national and international experts.
The force of a tradition aiming at the future, and the capacity of being a reliable partner for our clienti are the distinguishing features of our company. Each day we aim to pursue and transmit the
passion for knowledge.
Reiss Romoli has achivied quality management system certification according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 standard (certificate nr. 9175.RSRO released on 02/02/2011 by IMQ-CSQ) for "Planning and supply of educational and consulting services" (EA 37,35).

Fruitur tamen etas nostra beneficio precedentis ………… nos esse quasi nanos gigantium humeris insidentes

Our age enjoys the benefits of the previous one, …. we are like dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants

Bernardo di Chartres (Philosopher of the eleventh century)

Our “Before”


Scuola Superiore G. Reiss Romoli, was founded in 1976 and until the '90s it was the school of business training of the STET Group.


His name is a posthumous tribute to Guglielmo Reiss Romoli, General Manager of STET, who died in 1961, and who contributed to the renaissance of our country after World War II: a visionary man who, many years ago, linked the concept of development of the companies to creativity and education.


In the 90s, the fusion of SIP with Iritel, Telespazio and SIRM Italcable, led to the creation of Telecom Italy and the School started a progressive opening to the outside market. Among the new clients, the Public Administration, the TLC companies and the first ICT companies, which just in those years began to appear on the market..


2000 is a year that marks a turning point in the history of the Scuola. The new millennium begins with the merger in the Scuola Superiore G. Reiss Romoli of the Telecom Group companies involved in training (Consiel, Trainet, Training Centers of Telecom Italy). The new company took the name of “Telecom Italy Learning Services”.


In 2006 Telecom Italy Learning Services was sold to a New Co, TILS Holding.


The structure and control of the company are modified several times over the course of just three years, until closing, which takes place in 2009.


2009 is a year that L'Aquila will not forget. April 6, 2009 represents, for those who lived through those times, a demarcation line between the "before" and the "after".


Our “After”


… consisted in starting a new business that had the name and the roots in a past of which we are proud.


Friday, 08 July 2016 14:20


The structures that we use meet all the requirements to be considered a high-quality logistic support.
We offer solutions to meet different training/conference needs in the principal cities of Italy: Torino - Milano - Padova - Bologna - Firenze - Roma - Napoli  - Palermo – Cagliari.
Our catalog courses are mainly scheduled in Rome and Milan.
The location in Roma:
Centro di Formazione Moro Hds S.r.l. -Via di Pietralata, 517
SGM Conference Center Via Portuense, 741
The location in Milano:
EMIT Feltrinelli  - Piazza A. Cantore 
Centro Direzionale Valtorta  c/o eLea s.p.a. -Via Vida, 11
In our headquarters in L'Aquila we carry out didactic activities in a classroom, equipped with the latest facilities, which accommodates up to 24 participants.
For information and quotations please write to:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Friday, 08 July 2016 14:20

Event Management

Business events, workshops, meetings for our clients: find the most appropriate solution to your needs is what we do. From feasibility studies and up to the end of works, we take care of your events in every detail and at every stage. Teamwork in line with the agreed on style and with the goal that you want to achieve.
The team activities
  • Designing - Logistics arrangement - Study of the graphic and communication line - Care of the realization of materials (folders, brochures, invitations, playbills) - Arrangements - Organizational and congress secretariat - Social programs for delegates and accompanying persons - Gala dinners and entertainment – Rental of technical equipment.
For information and quotations on convention activities please write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Friday, 08 July 2016 14:19

Reiss Romoli Editions

In addition to  the lecture notes that constitute the course didactic documentation, books are the added value that make training activities complete and unique.
Reiss Romoli Editions, after the long break of the historical SSGRR editorial series, represent today a tribute to our past and a motivation to invest and build the future.
BGP: dalla teoria alla pratica  by Tiziano Tofoni, was published (in Italian) in May 2011. The book considers the main features of BGP protocol and its most important practical applications. Thanks to his expertise and long practice in classroom, the author has been able to combine theory and practice allowing for further examples about protocol operation principles and its role in IP networks, giving hints on new applications.
If you  need more information about our books, please contact   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Friday, 08 July 2016 14:10


Knowing how to deal with change has become one of the critical success factors and our company is the partner capable of acting 360 degrees in the Organizational field for:
Anticipating change. We propose stimuli on as the world goes outside the business environment, on what others are doing, and on the evolution of the business scenarios. We provide the keys to understanding the external environment and to produce ideas and solutions.
Re-establishing the organizational culture. Businesses are increasingly less based on declaratory judgments and values cards but increasingly need to identify themselves with a shared culture, which could represent an identification and added value tool in the relationship with employees and clients.
Managing the organizational complexity. We design and build training courses, on organizational group or individual dimensions, that allow you to deal with and manage complexity: our actions enable people to identify the anchor points on which to leverage to deal with uncertainty.
Raising Leadership. The acquisition of leadership skills becomes central at all organizational levels. We respond to the new leadership needs of the organizations, which are facing the challenges of globalization, competition, uncertainty and change.
Friday, 08 July 2016 14:09


We offer solutions that optimize investments in technologies and devices. Independence from the vendors, knowledge of the market and of the emerging technologies, allow us to develop ICT projects in all their phases.
We design integrated network solutions of any size. Our strength lies in the ability to evaluate the most suitable solutions to optimize the use of technological infrastructures and therefore the costs of purchase and management of network systems and data centers.
We assist our clients during installation, ensuring that each acquired resource and every job carried out are fully compliant with regulations, the customer needs and the best implementation practices. Our technicians carry out the installation and configuration of equipment and technological infrastructures, ensuring the highest quality and efficiency standards.
We provide technical assistance at the customer site, technical support for management, scheduled maintenance and identification and troubleshooting of faults. Interventions can be made on a single call base, with assistance contracts and guaranteed response times, or with other methods chosen based on specific customer requirements.
We carry out the activity of design, set-up and trial of test plants of network equipment, performance monitoring, set-up and trial of new software releases, skills transfer to internal company specialists and training for corporate trainers.
We provide assistance in the supply and in the definition of calls for tender, in selecting the best suppliers, in the acquisition of equipment and technological infrastructures. Reiss Romoli assists you in the preparation of calls for tenders for the acquisition of equipment and for the execution of the work.
Friday, 08 July 2016 08:49

Registration GOLD

In our catalog there are 192 GOLD courses. Just two registrations are sufficient for calendarize these courses.
The advantages
  1. When the GOLD course that interests you is not on the calendar, you can agree with us the date, we insert it in the scheduling.
  2. GOLD registration guarantees that the course will not be cancelled.
Two participants are sufficient to activate the GOLD registration; even in GOLD registration, multiple participations follow the normal discount policy, which is:
  1. 10% on the second participation
  2. 40% on the third
  3. 80% from the fourth onwards.
When a Company has a single participation for a course, it may add the GOLD Option to the Registration; the GOLD Option has an extra cost of 90% of the Registration cost, but in this way the edition of the course is guaranteed.
Moreover, the GOLD Option will be refunded, if the course will have at least another participant.
With the Registration + the GOLD option, the course will be held even if there is only one people registered.
Friday, 08 July 2016 08:48


The laboratories are the richest and most complete in the national panorama, with respect to size and characteristics.
More than 300 network equipments (Router, Switch for LAN and Data Center, Firewall, Wireless Access Point, IP phones, etc.), in Cisco, Juniper and Huawei technology.
More than 50, among Servers and Personal Computers.
Friday, 08 July 2016 08:45

Seminars and Events

Reiss Romoli Seminars are appointments, lasting one or two days, designed to deepen emerging topics of interest.
An opportunity to exchange ideas with national and international experts.
Reiss Romoli Events are designed to address a single issue in its technical and managerial aspects.
They are generally structured so as to give participants the opportunity to choose their own path among different teaching sessions.
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